Saturday, January 30, 2010

Where To Buy Chocolate Oscar Statues

HAPPY HOLIDAYS Don Bosco, Father and Teacher of Youth. Even today, Don Bosco tells us "I will do in the middle with you."
He shares with us his passion for the salvation of the young people and expects our in response to renewed enthusiasm and radicalism.
My hope is that his call reaches the heart of each and every member of the FMA Salesian Family and turn it into the fire of love and gift for everyone!
A special greeting and good wishes from the community of home Sing from each mother and sister Antonia. Srpiera

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Ron Pope Good Day Piano Notes


Dear Pupils,
with deep sorrow and sincere affection, we are close to the Haitian people hit hard by the earthquake.
express our closeness to our sisters and their families in Haiti, in particular the past pupils of course in spirituality and their relatives .
I must point out this video that can be used to pray and to pray educating our community: #

Friday, January 8, 2010

How Many Calories Are Burned Playing Racquetball

*-* G-Project Review! Unpublished!

G-Project (C)
Shimamiya Akira and Maiko are dizygotic twins. Since the two genes, transfer to a prestigious boarding school exclusively for children whose IQ is above a certain score. When the brother heard his incredible IQ disappears and reappears after a mysterious behavior and classmates themselves show an odd double-figures and disappear mysteriously Maiko begins to suspect something. It will only be when his brother disappeared and she finds his murdered body, which decides to investigate ... E above all, what is this G-Project which has already heard about two students then disappeared?

Any reference to events or people or things is purely coincidental, therefore, the product is pure fiction. Also anyone
copy the plot of the above can be dennunciato by me ... (Or alternatively written on my own-the Death NoteXD Okki ... in fact they are one of the Shinigami Shinigami UU)

If you are interested in developing G-Project .. Just ask! XP

Steps To Get An Ownership For A Boat In Ontario

WARNING WARNING! Special Episode RadioRevy!!

I'm always there Parliament Live hell from school! And I am pleased to announce that he will soon (about time to finish the first chapter that is ... About three anniXD) publish always on your beloved (?) Revy no blog my comic, which I could not finish without the help of the legendary Sam! Yahhhh!! The title is "G-Project"! The plot is on another post !!!!!!! We

Saturday, January 2, 2010


to all your loved ones past pupils for the School of Spirituality in the hope that this new year will be fruitful blessings to you and your educating communities!
I take this opportunity to point out two new features: a beautiful conference Sister Piera CavagliĆ  on Don Michael Rua: the face of Fidelity as a journey of love. and an original musical " presentation of the Preventive System of sr. Valerino Jackson.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Where Do They Make Monster Energy?

Radio Revy2 + cards forumcommunity

people! Welcome to the second round with Radio Revy! E 'Revy just talking to you! First of all AUGURISSIMI of 2010! Finally arrived and we're all very excited (?) That begins a new year with new resolutions, more or less good! Anyway ... Today I announce my pseudonym! Fuyuki Yagami ... Fuyuki written with the kanji for "winter" and "flower" while Yagami means "God of the Night" Tie! Andre-chan, but "I'm a Gay" XDXD

And here is the badge of my forum RPG RPL: \u200b\u200b