Thursday, October 28, 2010

Pokemon Rom Desume Mac

Greetings and ... more!

Dear Pupils and students of the course of Spirituality, care / the friends / sympathizers there,
the moment of silence was a bit 'long and for that I apologize ... various commitments have prevented me from updating our "space" to meet. From now on I will try to be more faithful to our appointments.
Please note that the headings have been added some interesting contributions:
1 - Two conferences on the Preventive System of Don Tonelli and youth and family
2 - Two presentations about St. Teresa
There are also other materials waiting to be shared as soon as I'll add it! Meanwhile we wish you good
centenary celebration of Don Rua (here in Rome is about to begin the International Congress) and a good feast of Mother Morano! In each and every one a greeting and a hug!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Stomach Sore At 8 Months


Presentation by Paola Alberti's novel "Queen" by Barbara Sarri, Robin editions, Rome 2010

I have known Barbara for over twenty years ago and I have shared with you a wonderful adventure, to "Penne angry," a literary movement that I founded in Pisa in June 1996 had all the power of dreams and hopes you are, then, aspiring writers who believed in the lightness of Calvino's memory. I have always believed in his great ability to "tell a story" and to be able to understand the feminine and the "Queen" is a clear demonstration that this is true. Barbara pulled out of our "literary dining room" - so dubbed by the media was the room of my house, full of books and newspapers, where they met the "Penne angry"-a "special recipe" to speak to the hearts of women, telling the story of Regina, a secretary who finds himself living and working in Rome, overwhelmed by the pace of the big city, disappointed in love , a witness against his male incomprehension, but always accompanied by "poetic breath" of the sea of \u200b\u200bOstia. Regina is an important name, reminiscent of the Latin notion of "dominating" and "angelic woman," as if to underline even more "evil to exist" and of being a woman, every day, going through experiences that you can score forever, like love betrayed and walked on or the morning-after pill. Regina is one of us, one of our sister, for a while ', shares with us the way to go every day and sign indicating that the Ring Road in the beautiful cover art, curated by Joseph Benci, it is significant, it seems almost a warning to those women who, every day, in a big city in danger of losing, of failing "to reign in the center of himself, to be entitled to their own space in a room all to himself," to quote Grace Livi. "Queen" is a living character, as always happens in a good book, which may become, at least for a while ', an excellent travel companion.
writer and journalist Paola Alberti
The Fellowship of the crime

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Wholesale Price Of Chicken

presentation Paola Alberti presented tomorrow at Feltrinelli bookshops PISA

Pisa Book Festival Feltrinelli

The library participates in the Feltrinelli di Pisa Pisa Book Festival with two major initiatives.
Tomorrow at 17:00 there will be the presentation of the novel by Barbara Regina Sarri published by the publishing house will also intervene Councillor Robin Maria Luisa Chiofalo and the writer and journalist Paola Alberti, Michael Badillo readings.
The novel is sponsored by the Libraries of Rome, the Municipality of Pisa and the Municipality of Casciana.

Saturday at 16.00 there will be an afternoon dedicated to children with a fun puppet show organized by the Habanera and the toy library "The Snakes" Steps of the presentation of the news and free press "Child" shall be you! edited by Marguerite publishing a gadget that will give the little ones.
Children will be offered a snack.

We wait Course In Italy 50!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Gothic Curtains For 4 Poster Bed Ebay

'Oct. 15: YOUTH MEET

Day October 15, 2010, in the Church will hold a meeting with the youth of the parish, at 20.00.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Special Friend Wedding

DAY October 7th, 2010 at 19.00

Members of the Pastoral Council and the CAEP
JOIN THE COUNCIL AND THE PARISH PASTORAL CAEP to discuss the following agenda:

  • Presentations
  • Pastoral Planning Year 2010/2011
  • Programming Pastoral Visit 26-29 November 2010
  • and Various Possible

The parishes.

Monday, October 11, 2010

How To Make Money Off A Horse


Our parish will participate in the WORLD YOUTH DAY ' 10 to 21 August 2011. All young people aged 16 and over are invited to attend.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Stuff To Write In A Guest Book

Benedict XVI at Lamezia Terme and Serra San Bruno

Benedict XVI will visit the Diocese of Lamezia Terme and the Charterhouse of Serra San Bruno, Sunday October 9, 2011.
In the morning, the Pope will visit in the city of Calabria for the Mass, followed by the recitation of the Angelus.
In the afternoon you will transfer to Serra San Bruno for the celebration of Vespers with the community of Carthusian monks. In the evening return to the Vatican.
The news of the trip, which was confirmed by the Prefecture of the Papal Household, is given by the Bishop of Lamezia Terme, Mgr. Luigi Antonio Cantafora, and his father Jacques Dupont, prior of the Monastery.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Airjordan Flight Difference

"Queen" preface by Regina Mirella Dolphins

Piero Angela, Mirella Dolphins, Giancarlo Mancori

"Reading this book is to ask astonished: but when I written? How did it happen that I will not be noticed? Yet they are words, anxieties, feelings of mine, I have lived at that precise. Was there another me that watching me, or is there a size where a different but I so like the same things happen? Or maybe there is a parallel universe ... and if one exists, can not be right that those physicists imagine infinite? Here

reappear in the pages that night that I was sure he had forgotten, then perhaps buried, and there I see myself crying in despair, but then immediately go back to that sort of abyss because I realized something more, because every experience I has become more powerful, new even to myself. And in a parallel universe everything is different, perhaps very well, as I wanted to go? No, let's keep in this so true, so human.

Let's keep close to the story that is there as if it were our own, but revived as a movie before, which is for all and all, indeed of all women. But the Queen - the hero of the book is called so, what a beautiful name - Queen breathes with the sea, and perhaps that is the Sea reigns, at least in thought. And here is one of the most beautiful ... "Even today, I trust a doubt, to the Sea. And while he continues his bubbly flow. One day, gather my deepest desires and make all of them on a plate of those waves. "

cries When she cries the sky, even hail, and the car seems to be associated dropping fragments of glass, as if to say "no queen, this is not the life you wanted, not the right one." Always finds the truer words, our: feel alone and as we confess.

But then does the right thing, begins to tidy up the closet in the room, step by step until arriving to rearrange the thoughts that are not those of a young girl screwed, no, because Regina has grown and feels invulnerable. Be careful, though, you should never feel invulnerable: it happens that the new new cuirass opens the chest, where it now flies to bring them all and then a mighty hawk nest predator. Does not withstand even the nice shiny metal mesh that saved the Knights in ancient battle, but crazy, called 'crush', perhaps they sensed that it would end.

We read and tremble, because now we know what will happen to us, but perhaps we will learn from the Queen the right moves to defend ourselves, or ... or its history will be our catharsis as the old tragedies, will protect us: we feel that she has put before us with open arms, to take the blows for us, freeing us.

Sometimes a book is our salvation, it takes away the anxiety, it calms the breath, he explains how we deal with life. Queen - indeed Barbara Sarri - found out for us and now with his words that could brings us back to our blue gold of the sea that she breathes in like the wind in the trees, the hair, the wings of a butterfly. "

Mirella Dolphins

Friday, October 1, 2010

What's The Difference Between Yahoo And Ymail

Foreword by Mirella Dolphins

"The story of a Roma woman in a beautiful but huge gaps that leaves the heart. The story of Queen involve all of us and make us enjoy the passion and purity of a single today. "
Franco di Mare

" Sarri Barbara was born as a poet and this book each line takes its original vocation. Although the star is measured with rocks and undertow that belong to almost all the destinies of women, although the prose is lean and dry, the pages of his novel, deep and compelling, a lot of traveling, a lot of poetry. "
Patrizia Carrano

Since September 30 is the new novel in bookstores Barbara Sarri published by the publisher Robin:
"We're a bit like the matriosche, we women, we confuse one inside the other change over time. The question is how many queens are still to be discovered. " Tell the Queen protagonist of the book. Regina has thirty-seven, is the secretary and lives alone in an apartment in Ostia.
Quits live together a few years and spends his free time with her friend's heart to which trusts all things, has few ambitions and dreams. She is like many others, and in fact many will be those that are reflected in her entering the pages of this book in his insecurities and his fears, desires, and especially in its emotional boundaries to cross. The sea of \u200b\u200bRome is the quiet, sometimes aggressive, but ever present companion of his adventures. The novel is sponsored by the Libraries of Rome, the Municipality of Pisa and the Municipality of Casciana. The cover graphic is a work of Joseph Benci.

Barbara Sarri debuted in 1999 with the 'Anthology of Penne Arrabbiata "Consistency" (Jaca Book publishing house). In 2001 he won the Talent Scout equilibria and published his first novel "Portrait of a team. A man's job. " In 2005 he published the novel "Curtain three times" (publisher Equity, International Award Anco Marzio "A book for you") in 2006 published the poetry anthology "A room outside" (Zone publisher). In March 2007 she was elected "Woman of the Year for the Culture section of the Thirteenth Hall of the City of Rome. In 2008
wrote with the novelist and journalist Mirella Dolphins a publication that is distributed free to small and dedicated to the natural world "Boys will be you!" which is also the editor. Contributes to various newspapers.