Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Where Do You Buy Jessica Simpson Clothes

The Light of the Moon ... Fan Fic

Bare feet above the advancing autumn leaves uncertain repainted red with blood, glistening in the light of the full moon, bigger than usual. The feet were spattered with the blood, trampled on, and incredibly thin legs were shaking dirty, like someone who has fallen several times, with red and brown, with small scars and wounds still bleeding, from which flowed the dark blood down the leg and foot , went to mingle with the dead murdered by creating an even larger lake of liquid blood. The skirt is a bit 'torn sounded like some uniform speckled here and there with brown dried blood, the dark blue looked even darker than the light of the night, and once the plush white ground was dirty and stained with the blood of others here and there some tears, could be glimpsed from which little or nothing of the white smooth skin. From a long sleeve completely fell on his hand sticking out obscenely long blade of an ax almost completely covered with scarlet blood that was a drop of liquid at each step, as macabre wet paint glistening in the glare of light filtered gently from the trees. For a moment the girl's hand s'intravide completely red, as if he had prevailed with his hands on the bodies already cruelly murdered. In the other hand, also smeared with blood, perhaps clutching a necklace, which no longer differed more silver wire protruding from the fist with all the strength he possessed in his body. The head was slightly bent to one side and his chin high, stained with blood, too alien, shot eyes of hatred, however, left some leaked terror, and were in contrast to the sadistic smile on his face, breathing very slowly and lean lips similar to those of a corpse, a mysterious melody coming out, so beautiful that he wanted to curse, and a whole reassuring, but had a terrible and ominous tone, sung by that weird girl with skin so white that it seems that of a dead . Empty eyes and seemed to tick off a tear that slipped to the cheek dragging with it the dirt and blood, his eyes half-closed shut for a moment and fell softly with them a tuft of white hair stained with vermilion, which went to cover one eye, and they will reopen. The albino hair swayed in response to the incident rustle of leaves stirred by the wind, then fell on the shoulders long and thin. So smooth and soft as to seem made of water, extended to the hips. From a distance, that slight figure seemed to show that innocent incapable of making any kind of brutal violence, as a creature so vile as to appear immaculate, yet closely could almost understand the lucid madness of his actions, the aura of evil vengeance, left and pure, almost sacred justice prohibited. A revenge that no one besides you would get the point. No one would understand his heart so too is covered by a thick blanket of fog. A mist asphyxiating, poisonous. Yet she seemed not to notice. She had the cause. No one would ever release it. It was his source of life, maybe not even ... I never knew the secret of that painful wound from which it never stopped flowing over the lethal substance. Even she was now able to control the hatred that is born within. I did not know if this ever ached.
Later, picks up where the grove was a group of high school students about my age, who were joking and drinking beer. I noticed the symbol of the brand. "Asahi" I thought. Not that I went crazy for the beer I had drunk a few times, in the usual out with friends. But what caught my mind was neither fully nor the beer battered by the group of high school bullies, but the fact that the biggest, probably the boss you were heading for a tree grove. I seemed to have already seen, around my school. "I think it's going to pee," I thought pretty much. Suddenly I shivered violently. The girl was coming from that side, was now very close, even if covered by the darkness of night. He saw the boy approaching, and stepped back hiding behind the same tree to which the pointing bully. That vanished in the dark, in a short time at the foot of the plant created a pool of crimson liquid that gradually increasing. The other, seeing no return to the gang leader went to meet him making silly jokes that I found absolutely no taste, yet they giggled. As they approached the white girl came out of the shadows with an expression naive. The guys at first did not know what to do, someone back, at first, someone else stood still and confused, she looked up and chuckled softly, those who had backed escaped, the others unfortunately fell under the sharp blade of the ax that she shook. Began to rain. The pool of blood spread further and she laughed gruesome and sadistic. Once stopped laughing licked blood from his hand. Then move the red eyes in my direction. Whiten, faeces to escape but tripped over a fallen branch on the ground. My dog \u200b\u200bstarted barking, I was still on the ground, crawled backwards, trying to get away, and when taken forces tried to get up but fell shielding his face with his arms. I stumbled on soil soaked with rain. I got up again, but it was too late, she was in front of me. I was stunned. Her cheeks were streaked with tears completely. I let go his grip on the leash of my dog. The white girl hugged me and cried. I I could not help but respond to his embrace, she sank her face into my chest. It was warm and wept and sobbed by dropping the ax on a puddle of water. The same that would have marked my destiny.
I could not help but bring the girl with me. Now I lived alone and had no problems. She seemed a little girl. He had forgotten even as we speak. I had teach many things, until she regained the ability to speak it and all its past, which does not ever told me about it. He would not even tell me his name. One day, the first in which he recovered his memory Butsudan noticed, the Buddhist altar in the living room that I kept my twin sister in honor of the late first born. I noticed that it looked like to study it, imprimerselo memory forever, so I asked if it had none ever seen one. She shook her long hair and white hair. I only said that his family was Christian. His eyes were dull, like that day, all day and was silent with the vacant look, eyes half-closed and thoughtful.
was the summer of my 17 years. I remember it perfectly. The sun shone strong, despite being the rainy season. The heat was more humid. That day I asked. I asked him his name, an error that I would never have known. Yet I knew that would break forever the false peace that reigned in the house, that his subtle serenity would die. I had to do it for her, anyway. But those words came out of the sun. Lethal. As a born and poisoned arrows to hit the intended target. We were both out in our garden. Now that house belonged to both. Like two secret lovers. I do not know why, but the fate that day, he decided to draw the bow. She sat down to rest from the work of gardening, humming happy, finally I had never seen so serene and peaceful. A butterfly fluttered around her and gave her the finger where she rested. "You also have the right to rest, eh?" He asked without expecting answers. She was so not meant anything. But gave so much. I sat next to her, the girl I turned and smiled serenely. So the destiny shot the arrow. "What's your name?" I asked suddenly. The smile vanished from his face. The sky suddenly darkened. The arrow had hit the mark. Never once wrong target. He got up abruptly and turned as if to leave, "Mitsuki Hikari." Light of the full moon. His full name meant light of the full moon. It started to rain. "I knew it was too hot ... because in the end it might not rain ... I seemed to hear her say those words. But I did not understand if he really said or was my imagination. And above all, what was he referring? He walked into the house, and I stood outside in the rain. The legs did not respond, they would not hear of it, chasing it. I knew that I would not have seen her. At least not soon. Destiny could be cruel. He hates the rain. With the many things that I could just hate that moment I hated the rain. And if it had not rained? Would continue to be hot?
He spent an entire year. After returning from the entrance exams for Todai, the famous University of Tokyo, decided to move from the Christian cemetery. I was going to find out more about Mitsuki, at least those who were his parents. If I had not found the graves of some of his relatives in Tokyo I was determined to find out more about her. Whatever. Even though I knew that it was unlikely that I could meet again. I sighed. I was still determined to remove the arrow shot. While it would have hurt ...
was how I found her. I was making the rounds among the more recent graves of at least five years, but found nothing, suddenly became a black butterfly, the kind that, according to Buddhist theology, leads the souls in the hereafter. I followed her with his eyes, shivering a little. It began getting cold? Yet it was not raining either. I looked to the sky. It was white. The noises were gone. The silence so intense as to be scary. A world in which I live alone. A blanket of misty shot down, back off a bit, '"so", I thought "there's just behind the wall" but comes up against something. It was a tombstone. My eye was caught by the letters faded. Written in kanji but not in Latin letters could be distinguished names, Beatrice Scarano, an elegant woman with her hair, looked nearly white, a Nordic alongside another name, Shinnosuke Hikari, trembled a little, my eye was Forced to the third name. Mitsuki Hikari. The marble once white but now yellowed old framed black and white photos, sepia tone almost on, I recognized the girl who withdrew, those eyes slightly downward once full of hope, which unfortunately I could only see emptiness or nostalgia , the lips were slightly darker than the skin porcellanea, curved in a shy smile, the elegant nose small and straight, drawn to look like little Japanese. I was surprised look so old, rather than the fact that she was dead. At the bottom inside of me I expected. I read the date, written in Roman numerals. 1940. I stepped back. How was that possible? Yet I had known. I was wrong? That was not her? Or had lied to me compared to his name? Yet I knew, something he told me, she had never lied to me. A Japanese nobleman, arising from a house of ancient Samurai, traveling across Europe fell in love with an Italian girl from northern origin. She had decided to follow him running away from home. Once in Japan he had completely converted to the religion of the young bride. A few others were Christians, at the time, so the two lived under the accusing eyes of their neighbors. But their love of living day to day, and their happiness was born a creature, and albino traits of the mother, and the same calm gaze, unable to look away of his father. So they bred the young and beautiful girl with all the love that until recently had been released only between the two. The three were always happier living in their love and the fruits of their garden. Nobody looked at them more as human beings. But they did not care. So it was that one day it happened. Happiness can never last long ... One night the little girl, now great, he heard noises coming from the kitchen, curious looks from the door of his room, slipping slowly from the futon. He saw three men who had already seen in the vicinity of their garden, those who were looking at them wrong. Taking the fear the child ran slowly in the kitchen, where he found a large knife, the kind that his mom used to cut the fish. The long blade was shining. It was heavy but she hugged him with all his might. One man, the youngest, remained to guard, while the other two men advanced with a katana in his hand toward the room of the couple. They made the sliding door and performed the massacre. The two spouses are still young in a pool of blood with his throat cut with a knife and she stuck in his stomach, when the two came out they found a gruesome spectacle. A sobbing little girl clutching a bloody knife in one hand, and in the head. The boy who had been arrested outside to guard. The blood continued to flow from the neck down. The boy's face was pale now, a symbol that had now lost all the blood in his body. A little further back his body from which the liquid flowed less and less viable. The white-haired little girl wiped her tears with the sleeve of his yukata, summer kimono, getting, but the only result of dirtying his face red. The two men stepped back, trembling and calling the poor creature, monster, demon and other offenses. The child sobbed and asked them what they were. He kept repeating a phrase. Barely moving his lips, and then shouted: "What have you done to mom and dad? Who are you? Demons bad? "Making up the knife shine the light that shines from the outside. When I first threw on the blood splattered in streams, spotting the creature completely, she looked at his hands and chuckled, turning suddenly, his head down looking at each other from bottom to top, eyes completely blank, put one foot in front of ' another, approaching the damned trying to escape but could not advance, moved his arm behind him and picked up a silver clip of the woman, who stuck in belly of the child, if he spat blood from his mouth and cleaned it with his last strength threw the knife toward the man, who fell to the ground, bleeding. The girl fell helplessly hitting the cabinet, which fell from a small chain. The girl took it with the little strength that remained and held it, looked at the bright cameo. "In our small Mitsuki, when turns 16." "... Because they" thought "because I never saw him?". He smiled. And so he died smiling.
I was crossed by a long shiver down my spine and a severe headache, gradually became more intense, I slumped to the ground in pain, I thought that my head would be broke out and subsequently saw all black, a black man so intense as to counter the pure white of the sky. The
dreamed, was wrapped in a white tunic, she looked at me kindly, and smiled at me, her beautiful smile, the dimples on the cheeks, slightly almond-shaped eyes gave me a wonderful feeling of well being, handed me his hands, completely bloody. I woke up suddenly, I ran a hand through his hair wet with rain. Rain? "Thank God, you have awakened! What's your name, boy? "I asked an elderly woman, on the ninety" Kai ... eh, Mrs. ...? "I said" Toshiko, young man "He confirmed she," Sorry for the inconvenience, Mrs. Toshiko-san ... and I apologize for the inconvenience that I caused ... "I spoke mortified, who knows what trouble he had to take me in her house ... She shook her head, her hair tied behind the neck with a silver clasp, the smooth wrinkles gave it a wise healthy air, dressed in a colorful kimono depicting the flowers of cherry trees, rose from his seat in silence slowly complaining of pain caused by age well advanced, smiles. "Will prepare the tea, or degrees?" I asked kindly, sweet voice hoarse with the old one, when even the vocal cords begin to decline.
He walked out of the sliding door, walking on hooves, almost without making noise. For a second I thought that in the past had been a geisha. But I do not know why but I found this hypothesis quite absurd. After a few minutes I got up and started to look for the room, the whole house was old-style Japan as tree yet I think it was quite modern, in the room were two small vases with flowers inside. Nor was there a Butsudan, perhaps had never been married. I had not even crossed our minds the idea that it was not Buddhist. Mrs. Toshiko arrived with a tray on the pot still steaming tea and two small bowls. We sat on the cushions of the table that looked into the garden, very fine, with a small fountain of water lilies and fish red. The Japanese cherry trees green. Except one, pink ... That was a tree nuts? I noticed that the whole house and the garden surrounding it was completely in Japanese style, Ms. Toshiko served tea with a little bow apologize again thanked him for his trouble, and she, like the first time, shook his head saying that was by no means a disorder. "Mrs. Toshiko-san ... How come the whole house is styled ancient Japan?" I asked privately, "It reminds me of my happiest years ... But you, Kai-kun? Where do you live? "He asked in turn, wanting to pass on his past. It was then that I realized I'd lost most of memory of those two years. I remembered only the exams that I had been to Todai and the Christian cemetery. But do what? So Mrs.
welcomed me into his house, in exchange for doing all the heavy work. Start the course at university, I was admitted to Todai with a score quite high. Mrs. Toshiko's health began to deteriorate, and I still did not remember anything in the last two and a half years. However I seemed to have forgotten something important. Someone important. So it was that one day, the same as Mrs. Toshiko went off, told me his story. A very sad story, and like a story I had heard somewhere. Where not even remember. I story of a clandestine love of his journey from Europe to Japan, led by her lover.
<> screamed from downstairs floor of the house a young woman. <> screamed in response to a beautiful girl who was picking up the hair with an elegant and elaborate silver clasp. The girl, wrapped in a long pink silk dress running down the stairs, where his parents were waiting for her. His father, elegant as always, proudly wore a short white beard, contrasting with the black dress. The woman beside him, still young, she wore a long blue dress, her hair in a hat decorated with small turquoise flowers, tufts of blond hair sprouted on his face. <> cried the young woman dressed in blue <> answered with a bright smile. <, "said the gentleman with the white beard. Beatrice snorted, but did not go to wash. The machine was now arrived. Although it was already past the war few could afford a car, the family of Beatrice possessed a munitions factory, so in the war, unlike many people, was enriched more and more. Italy had none suffered, but not them. Not the family of Beatrice. So they walked towards the building where the meeting would be held. Among other things, Beatrice did not even know what it was about, this gathering, and above all, had not the slightest desire to attend a gathering of adults only. Perddio, she had just turned the diciott'ani! But according to his father that was the age at which he would have an interest in the "important things" work, factory, education ... Ah! It was supposed to be a husband! Wow! For the father the only thing he needs the most prime-age daughter had a husband, to whom they could inherit the family fortune. But not any! He must already be rich, educated, beautiful, educated and above all European. At that time Hitler had just risen to power and was spelling out his ideas. When his father returned from the trip to Germany had already left influenced by the words of the German dictator. The meeting began, a woman began to speak, or rather, rattle, according to Beatrice, the racial laws enacted by the Fuhrer, and shortly afterwards saying that Italy would also have been influenced (for good), and that when Benito Mussolini was completely taken power in Italy ... And here Beatrice stopped listening to all those absurd words about the differences between the races. For you humans were only human and that's it, all the same. And she was sure that, when she had children, would do anything to induce in them the ideas of equality. Slowly he tried to leave the room. The short stroked her cheek gently. So who knew him. Moved toward the sea. It was a blue so intense, she had never seen black. When a child, her mother took her to sea at night, she asked what color it was, she always answered "black". And other people who had brought ... All responded "Black". He sat on the shore, lulled by the gentle sound of waves. A gentle breeze caressed my hair and face. He closed his eyes. <> When the girl opened her eyes she found herself in front of a boy not much bigger, at first he was hard to tell whether a man or a woman, So beautiful and delicate features, it certainly was not Italian <> she replied with 'intention to joke < > He said he sat down beside <<… Beh, se mi posso permettere, lei non mi sembra tanto indifesa, giovane sì, indifesa no…>> Rise. I knew only what Beatrice was beautiful, and smiling in the moonlight. There was a full moon, he noted. <> Rise < she> said, taking off his hair and holding it to his chest. I think I've learned recently, our customs ... He noted, <> Churches Beatrice <> chance, believing that the answer was, as usual, "black". <> replied with his typical smile. Thus the night passed quickly, speaking of this and that, when it was dawn and Beatrice ran back home, giving appointment to the pretty boy, the next day, same time, the same beach ...
He returned home that all was quiet again. Her cheeks were on fire for the race, but he was happy. From outside a window you could see the rising sun as the rays were filtered through the window. As he climbed the stairs at his mother came to her <> The woman ordered. She obeyed. Late in the morning he met his father, was red with anger and veins of the forehead were all out, put it in his punishment. Throughout the week it was not permitted to exit the house. For anything. But she wanted to see the young man that night, which did not even know the name, and curiosity was strong enough to make her escape. So when his parents were asleep, he fled from the house. They began their meetings
secrets. But the day came when he had to tell her that he had to leave. It was in this way that Beatrice decided to go with him. Changing name to Toshiko. Never married really. Nearby there was no Christian church, even the new religion of her husband. After about a year, Toshiko gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, albino. Mitsuki decided together to call it, as that day when fate decided to meet them. After all, people call it fate that can not avoid ...
Fate was also on that day, which killed her husband and child. She narrowly survived the massacre, nearly bled to die ... The trauma was so strong. He hid the necklace under one end and small of the floor and never moved away from the clip with which most had been killed his little daughter. Stated that she would live. For now his only beloved dead. He lived and suffered more, but over the suffering he found the light.
also changed the house, always, however, the same as before. The reason was that he feared he would not resist, a day that axle to raise and recover the necklace bring to mind all the horror of that night ...
Kai suddenly remembered a scene. But not "that person". He saw the elderly woman died just after he told his story. As in a film.
I came back from the university. By now it was my birthday. 20 years. I went for the first time in about a year in my old house. I still had the keys. I opened the door, everything was as I left, a year before ... Maybe a little 'more dusty. I recovered all the more important things, the memories. However there was something that eluded me, a thing, or rather, an important person. It would be enough for a face, a name. But even that ... Under a table in the room I noticed a small Japanese-style pad in the boards. I went, there seemed to be something under the axle, a small object. I lifted the board, I pulled up a small necklace. It was deliciously prepared in silver, before I noticed a small rose cut in a pendant in the shape of the moon ... I ... I turned in my hand I noticed that the back had an inscription. In Italian. Our little Mitsuki, when turns 16. I do not know why, but including the meaning of that phrase. Mitsuki. Suddenly I remembered everything. I turned. Behind me was a figure. Slender, white-haired. It was her. He smiled, as he had never done. "Here is your" I said handing him the impulse, she shook her head, smiling and making a sign to keep it "At last I understood, you know? You were so innocent ... What fault you had, you if you had taken away the happiness? But you know ... your mother and father really loved you ... I too ... " She blushed, I felt so stupid ... How could that be? A ghost? But I continued, "was entitled to receive love you too, eh?" She smiled with a hint of sadness, I knew that she could not speak, but I knew so well what she would say, it would have been able to talk ... "But you wait for me, right? I'll be joining you! Please Wait ... ... "I asked. I looked like a child. Now his smile was happy. As my father waited for my mother, right? He said ... I'm sure. I offered her my hand and she his, they touched on a touch dull. A touch of which only two of us were aware. Only we had the heard. The dull sound of two hands meet. The sweetness of touch of our fingers. Something hot I slid down her cheek. And she went away.
That night the house burns, I lived in the house of Mitsuki's mother, Beatrice ... I watched the flames that lit up my face. I watched until there was no more sign of the house. Nearby
passed a guy in a suit and tie. Her hair pulled back well, serious air of a banker. A guy that until about four years ago was a bully and went to urine behind a tree in the park with his friends.
Note: The suffix-kun,-san and-chan, are used in Japan among people who do not know well. Kun for children or persons,-san for older people or strangers,-chan is a term of endearment for children or girls.
The futon beds are typical Japanese type sleeping bag. The Butsudan are aimed at the small Buddhist altars honoring the deceased, in the Buddhist religion, especially in Japan and many use the worship dead ancestors, almost like "gods." In Japan the period between mid-June and mid-July it rains so much, for this is called "rainy season" or "fuyu" is why it often rains in the tale. The school year ends in May and began in April, for the university the entrance exams are in summer. The Todai (Tokyo Daigaku from the University of Tokyo) is the most prestigious universities in Japan, is public, however, unlike in high school (which only private ones, so "good", have the entrance exams), there are examinations. In particular, examinations of Todai are quite difficult and you need a certain score in order to access standard, recently hovered around 69, or 100 points. Author's note
© 2009 Alejandra Sanchez


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