Tuesday, February 22, 2011

How Much Money For Warped Tour



1.600 gr. kaki net of valuation
800 gr.
sugar half a vial of vanilla extract 1 cup of rum

1 lemon juice


clean khaki, scrape the pulp from the peel with a spoon and pick it up in a bowl, remove the seeds and filaments clear. Put the fruit pulp with the lemon juice in a saucepan over medium heat to go until the amount has been reduced by half, combine the sugar, then add the vanilla about 1 hour, it will take a little 'time, as depends on many factors, for about fifteen minutes to go, then the test plate, on a cold saucer to put a teaspoon of jam and tilt the plate, if the jam is ready to descend slowly and compact otherwise leave still on fire. When cooked add the rum mix and put in jars previously sterilized in an oven or in boiling water, seal them and put in a pan Upside down, but warm in the oven off and let cool slowly.

Rebecca's comment:

this jam was also on the waiting list to be published in fact I did it in December with the persimmon orchard of mother were finally completed. For fear of frost have been collected together still immature and have acquired at home. This year was special, so I just tried to make jam, came good just as fresh fruit.


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