Saturday, March 19, 2011

Funny Things You've Seen In The Gym

Updates on Japan by sr. Rie Kojima

Darling Sr. Piera

Thank you very much for your prayers. The tsunami that came after the earthquake was a terrible thing, came after nine minutes of the earthquake so many people failed to escape.

I think you already saw in the news that in a second flooded and destroyed the entire city. More than 9000 people are missing ... do not know where they are ... really I have no words to say. Those that have been saved but now living in shelters with fatigue, stress, etc. are already dead more than 20 people, especially the elderly ... Even with
the earthquake two nuclear reactors exploded, so there is radioactivity in the air. The other reactors are about to explode, try to cool the water but it is a great danger because the radioactivity is very high.
This nuclear power plant provides energy to the entire eastern part of Japan, because they take energy from this part. Therefore, the government has decided to stop light a few hours in each region, so the train does not work and children can not go to school. I think next week, even interrupting the light to our region.
our students from that day of the earthquake did not come to school. That day we were doing the test for the celebration for the last school day, we were in a big hall with 350 students, the whole school was trembling so that we could not stand. I immediately ran to the entrance assicurami that we could run but when I arrived at the corridor seemed to me that the ceiling fell on him, thank God I did not fall but really I was afraid.
The aftershocks continue. Today I've heard more than 30! Now we have closed the school because it is very dangerous. This year we decided not to make the final celebration of the school.
it really is terrible, please pray for Japan!
Sr. Rie

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Indigenous Women Tits

recipes recipes


Ingredients for four people:

400 gr. ca'pont
peppers 3 large candles, in a different color

1 shallot soy lecithin
extra virgin olive oil salt


clean the peppers removing seeds and white parts, if it is frozen or cut into small pieces and place in frying pan or ceramic with sliced \u200b\u200bshallots and water almost to cover, to go over medium heat until it reduces and wither. Combine two tablespoons of soy lecithin and two rounds of oil, salt and cook over low heat for another ten minutes.
Cook the pasta in plenty of tasty the second time data from the package, drain slightly al dente and place in pan with the peppers, mix well, serve hot with a sprinkling of Parmesan cheese.

Rebecca's comment:

in a pack there was this Christmas gift pack Gragnano pasta, named specifically, were there waiting, so one day I made meet with the mother of the garden peppers, but I made to accompany the lecithin, resulting creamy paste that does not slip away and very tasty.

participate in the contest with this dish Marco

Friday, March 11, 2011

What Size Are Bestway Air Mattress Plugs?

Earthquake in Japan: sr. Rie Kojima says

Dearest sr. Piera,

is midnight here in Japan, but we are all in elementary school with children who can not return to their homes. They are with us too many teachers who care for our children.

Trains and buses do not work for this are to us.

Every twenty or thirty minutes still shocks, television gives continuing reports of disasters particularly in the northern province of Hokkaido and Tohoku. The tsunami has certainly made many people dead and many people are missing.

When was the earthquake many children were scared and crying, we all run into the garden and the glass broke and fell vessels. As I write we are the shock!

Fortunately we are all fine. Thank you for your prayers! Sr. Rie

Dear sisters, this message does not need comments: Let us all pray!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Pinnacle Tvcenter Pro Klíč

rebecca rebecca rebecca

pumpkin ravioli in a sauce of ricotta and walnuts

Ingredients for four people:

1 kg. pumpkin ravioli
300 gr.
ricotta cheese 1 cup ground walnuts you
4 / 5
walnuts 4 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese

nutmeg 1 teaspoon honey salt to taste chestnuts


put on the stove regret the water with a plentiful and tasty to cook ravioli, in the meantime prepare the sauce: Put the ricotta in a bowl work well with a fork until Hetta become a cream, add honey, grated nutmeg, Parmesan and chopped nuts, mix well and possibly add a little 'of the pasta cooking water to dilute. Drain the ravioli cooked and serve with the sauce, garnish with walnuts and serve hot.

Rebecca's comment:
the dumplings are one of my favorite dishes, I saw these pumpkin at the market from a bank that makes pasta truly "homemade" and I fantasy is taken, the lady told me to dress with the usual butter and sage, I do not like much, the sauce do not just see him and then I thought a solution like cheese ... but which one? but then I opted for the ricotta cheese, which did not conceal the lighter flavor of the filling, together with nuts and a note given by bittersweet chestnut honey, which contrasts the sweetness of pumpkin and accompanies the Parmesan cheese that binds the whole. The audience liked it a lot and also I have been satisfied.

What Kind Of Boat Trailer For A Zodiac

Safe journey of Lent!

Dear sisters to you my best wishes for this season of Lent that begins today. We live immersed in the one reality that makes the heart happy: we love to love one !!!!!!
We walk together !!!!! In the NEWS section 'you will find a surprise ..... you like??
Hello to all! Sr. Rosaria

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Does Green Soap Get Diluted When Tattooing?

Dear sisters, is the ... March 8 is International Women's Day!!
with joy "we" do ... my best wishes for each is this:

March 8, 2011 - WOMEN'S DAY

Herman P. Ronchi


First, the emergence of women: one of the most beautiful signs of today's world, perhaps the most prophetic of the signs. The woman who creates a temporal bridge between past and present, which is the house where warm hospitality is carried higher, that of new life. the feminine genius, his creative hot, warm hugs, attention. Think only maternal attitude, the sense of mother to be extended to all living things.

ll'etica Think of the treatment, of having a heart that is biblical, for his mercy in the Bible is expressed as an ethic of care.

The woman is heaven when you take care: when to keep this triangle: self-care, care for others, care for the world

This triangle creates a paradise, an Eden where our job is to "preserve and cultivate"

There was this half of the world that he had capacity to flower, then came the emergence of the feminine, and is come a great resource for humanity, a huge potential for creativity, imagination and spiritual wisdom.


Why is "it" closer to life. The woman has custody and care of life in a special way. And the name of God is "One who takes care " I think the fear of the woman is not ethical, moral, but it is the fear of those who approach the mystery, is trembling in front of the fount, the womb the future, the womb of life, the temple, the sanctuary.

The woman is a temple and a sanctuary of life, and then the Word of God, because God's Word is dispersed into syllables in every creature is born.

Each piece is prophecy.


one who was " the great Mother of God became the "Madonna" ..

For another Mary, the sister of humanity, the one who went forward and in whose footsteps walking has become the unattainable woman of privilege. Rather than see it as a model of humanity, was disembodied rather than see her as a woman in love everyday if they have made an abstraction

The Rediscovery of Mary goes hand in hand with the exploitation of women.

In the Church living two souls: the soul Petrine (authority, organization, dogma) John's soul and Marian (mysticism, contemplation, prayer, the feminine) This second soul shall find simp p king more space, a breath bigger and bigger.

GOOD DAY !!!!! Sr. Rosaria

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Is Sidekick Lx Touch Screen



1 pack of 200 gr.
nutella mascarpone fresh taste
4 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder 1 tablespoon sugar

150 gr.
flour coconut milk to taste


prepare chocolate: put the milk on the stove, while stirring in a cup the chocolate powder and sugar, a ire a little milk, mix well so that there are no lumps, pour the hot milk into the cup and then put everything back on the fire , bring to boil for a few minutes then turn off the stove. Take a biscuit and on the bottom spread a thick layer of mascarpone and , take a second cookie and spread with Nutella, then mate and set aside. Continue this until the cookies. Prepare a plate of coconut flour. Dip cookies, coupled, in chocolate, which in the meantime will be warmed, and dip in flour, coconut, place them on a platter, let stand in refrigerator for one day.

Rebecca's comment:

Enza a colleague disappeared a bit 'of years ago, we took to work this gluttony, for the marriage of his daughter for a drink, I fell in love at first taste! I remember seeing them I could not understand what they were thinking of something salty, but tasted ... .. riot of taste! I made them many times for small parties from the boys when they were young, and was always a triumph. A variant, which had experienced, and cover with dried fruit blended grain, preferably hazelnuts. When I read the initiative for Saint Lucia I thought these cookies would be fine. The memory of Enza for meritorious action.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Clamiddya In The Mouth

Dear former students, with great joy that I present to you. I'm Rosalie Shepherd Sr. Inspector Lombard Holy Family. I made home singing the course of Spirituality in the years 2005/2007 ...
Since last year I'm back home singing as a member of the resident community, and with great joy, I thought sister to help these students, in practice the Italian language.
I never thought of returning to this house so dear ... but life has many surprises ...
also collaborate with Pierre Sr. to keep this blog alive so important because it tells us about "house of bread ..." .
gladly share with you ... how various materials can be useful for all our mission or just food for thought.
would be nice to have feedback from you ... tell us what you think, if the quote you need, if you have want ... just let us know what you do, where you are ...
This is our space !!!!!
look forward to hearing !!!!! Meanwhile
enjoy, under miscellaneous:
  • testimony authoritative and meaningful on the young people today.
  • a letter from a missionary
our sister .... I embrace you and let live! Sr. Rosaria

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Marijuana Themed Cake Patterns

recipes recipes recipes


Ingredients for four people:

400 gr.spaghetti spelled
1 kg chilli mussels

1 garlic extra virgin olive oil 1 shallot



clean the mussels and put them in a pan with garlic, olive oil and pe r them open, then turn off the stove and leave the mussels in a pan with a lid. In a large skillet to hold, then the pasta, put two rounds of oil, sliced \u200b\u200bshallots and two tablespoons of tomato sauce, warm the sauce then add the mussels filtered, shell the mussels and keep warm. Precooked spaghetti and a few minutes to finish cooking nell'intingolo at the end of cooking time, add the mussels and serve hot mix.

Rebecca's comment:

spelled absorb much of the spaghetti and the sauce, having a box in the pantry, I decided to use it with the mussels, the better the flavor everything I cooked the pasta directly nell'intingolo. The noodles are thick and well-flavored, all very tasty.

pleased with this recipe I participate in the contest respectable Sun flower for a good cause