Saturday, March 19, 2011

Funny Things You've Seen In The Gym

Updates on Japan by sr. Rie Kojima

Darling Sr. Piera

Thank you very much for your prayers. The tsunami that came after the earthquake was a terrible thing, came after nine minutes of the earthquake so many people failed to escape.

I think you already saw in the news that in a second flooded and destroyed the entire city. More than 9000 people are missing ... do not know where they are ... really I have no words to say. Those that have been saved but now living in shelters with fatigue, stress, etc. are already dead more than 20 people, especially the elderly ... Even with
the earthquake two nuclear reactors exploded, so there is radioactivity in the air. The other reactors are about to explode, try to cool the water but it is a great danger because the radioactivity is very high.
This nuclear power plant provides energy to the entire eastern part of Japan, because they take energy from this part. Therefore, the government has decided to stop light a few hours in each region, so the train does not work and children can not go to school. I think next week, even interrupting the light to our region.
our students from that day of the earthquake did not come to school. That day we were doing the test for the celebration for the last school day, we were in a big hall with 350 students, the whole school was trembling so that we could not stand. I immediately ran to the entrance assicurami that we could run but when I arrived at the corridor seemed to me that the ceiling fell on him, thank God I did not fall but really I was afraid.
The aftershocks continue. Today I've heard more than 30! Now we have closed the school because it is very dangerous. This year we decided not to make the final celebration of the school.
it really is terrible, please pray for Japan!
Sr. Rie


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